The inspiration

Christina McGraw

A mental health therapist, spouse, mom, grandma, dog lover, Jesus lover, as well as an ally to the LGBTQ+ community.  

Christina McGraw

I specialize in helping clients with Complex Post-traumatic Stress.  A large focus of therapy is to unlearn the programming and conditioning experienced mostly throughout childhood and the teenage years. This programming and conditioning taught us how to survive and exist within our families, as well as society. We have all learned different ways we “should” be that may not actually serve us well. I help clients learn who they truly are at their core—their strengths, competencies, wants, needs, and preferences. I help them to find and use their voice. We utilize their adult awareness to take actions of care for themselves and their vulnerabilities.

One of my favorite quotes comes from Charles Bukowski: “Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?”


My goal is to write a Book and TV series that—with humor, respect, kindness, compassion, and wisdom—explores the intersection between spirituality, religion, and diverse LGBTQ+ experiences. The series will also delve into and challenge societal norms, sexuality, God, religion, de/reconstruction, Buddhist principles, other religions/beliefs/non-beliefs, adverse childhood experiences, addiction, recovery, therapy, false selves/inauthentic living, and the journey of healing. My hope is that this work celebrates and affirms those who identify as LGBTQ+. I wish to bring in anyone who is willing to share their voice, experiences, beliefs, and perspectives to have open and respectful conversations. This cannot come from my voice and perspective alone.

My inspiration for Waking Up

As a Christian mental health therapist, far too often clients mention someone they know who is a member of the LGBTQ+ community. They cringe and appear to assume I feel the same way as they express concerns for the person’s salvation. I always ask, “When did Jesus say anything regarding the LGBTQ+ community?” Aren’t we commanded to love God and to love others? I believe the Bible verses some Christians hide behind to condemn were written by humans and translated numerous times, where the meanings most likely do not mean what people think they do. As an ally, this misinformation pains me. The consequences for coming out and living authentically should be celebration, not condemnation. 

For many years I have wanted to write something that combines my knowledge of mental health along with my questions regarding Christians who shame those in the LGBTQ+ community.

Last year, as I watched Guy Raz interview Rainn Wilson, I immediately felt inspired and ignited. That is when the character Jimmy was born. I sincerely hope that Rainn will be willing to be part of Waking Up and share aspects of his childhood, Baha’i faith, stepping away from his faith, and later returning to it. His experiences, brilliance, humor, and philosophical quest to learn and teach will be perfect. Why not shoot big, right?! 

I drafted this story to help others

I have been on my own journey of healing, waking up, and helping others to do the same. After seeing numerous unhelpful therapists over decades, I was fortunate to find a therapist who was extremely helpful to me—so helpful that I felt inspired to become a therapist. Some of this story is based on my personal journey. I also want to integrate themes that come up in therapy sessions, individual experiences, and conversations I have with others.

I also hope to gain perspective from whoever is willing to collaborate. I would love to incorporate numerous stories from others. 

Be part of Waking Up!

Waking Up is more than a book or TV show; it's a vehicle for change, a platform for voices that yearn to be heard, and a testament to the power of media to foster empathy and understanding. 

We are eager to engage in meaningful conversations and explore the potential pathways for Waking Up together.