The characters


Background: Raised in a conservative, religious household, Shelly is a sub-par therapist with a black-and-white view of the world, guided by scripture in both her professional and personal life.

Motivations: Her transformation begins when she encounters clients and personal challenges, such as her husband's shifting beliefs and her child's transition, which force her to reevaluate her rigid beliefs.

Character Arc: Shelly undergoes a profound journey of unlearning and relearning, developing empathy and a more inclusive worldview as she realizes that understanding and acceptance transcend dogma.


Background: A cis gay man in his late 20’s, James is fairly well-adjusted and confident in his identity.  He grew up in a supportive environment, however at some level he felt a piece of his history was missing due to knowing very little about his biological parents. 

Motivations: Suddenly faced with living on his own, James embarks on a quest to find his biological father.  This leads to a profound educational journey exploring diverse human beliefs, spiritual traditions, addiction recovery, and the appreciation of a simpler, yet more meaningful life. 

Character Arc: His journey of exploration—both internal and external—highlights the value of openness and curiosity, making James a microcosm of the show's broader exploration of faith and identity.


Background: A vibrant cis gay woman at a spiritual retreat, Ginger uses her wit and intelligence to challenge norms and provoke dialogue.

Motivations: Believing strongly in the power of conversation to open minds, she uses humor as a tool to engage and disarm, facilitating discussions on tough questions.

Character Arc: Ginger's experiences at the retreat demonstrate the transformative power of respect and humor in promoting understanding and acceptance, reflecting the show's commitment to challenging societal norms.


Background: Introduced as Dave, Shelly’s adult child struggles with depression and acceptance before coming out as transgender; she embarks on a transformative journey towards authentic living. 

Motivations: Eva is driven by a deep desire for authenticity, acceptance, and the courage to fully embrace her true identity.

Character Arc: Eva's transformative journey is not just physical but also emotional and spiritual, highlighting themes of acceptance, resilience, and the quest for true peace. She will be a voice and support for others who also struggle with societal “shoulds” and self-acceptance. She will go on to become an advocate for challenging ignorant and hateful anti-transgender laws.

Be part of Waking Up!

Waking Up is more than a Book or a TV show; it's a vehicle for change, a platform for voices that yearn to be heard, and a testament to the power of media to foster empathy and understanding. 

We are eager to engage in meaningful conversations and explore the potential pathways for Waking Up together.